If you have found your self amidst the clouds of self-doubt, after reading this story, I am SURE YOU WIIL NEVER HAVE IT AGAIN. If you are doubtful, considering the fact that you don’t have enough skills to achieve your dream or you are thinking to pivot, you are at -the right place, reading this article. This is majorly inspired by the book How TO IKIGAI ( pronounced as EE-kee-guy ) a Japanese word meaning-a reason for being alive. Let’s get to -the story.
A story of a teenager boy Casey Neistat, who became a father at the tender age of 16, now imagine the societal pressure on the couple, but on the inside, he was ecstatically happy to have a son, now his only aim in life was to find a way to earn money, for his kid. He started his first job as a dishwasher and decided to be the best version of the dishwasher the restaurant ever hired, and gradually changed his job to become a line cook, and decided to do the same, to be the best cook. He moved to New York and became a bike messenger and landed up being an art studio Manager. Now imagine the guy who was once a dishwasher was now a Manager.
Casey grabbed all the opportunities life was throwing at him, life was about to take a turn. One afternoon he visited his brother, who wanted to show him his new computer iMac, which was a beast in terms of editing movies, Casey got super enthralled, he fell head over heels for movie making the moment he tried it, what next, well he started making small videos, but his iPad battery was dead, no technical support could solve it. So, he decided to make a film on it, and it went viral and viewed 6M times, Casey loved storytelling; he found his purpose through expressing what the majority of us are facing (and mind you, YouTube wasn’t existing at that time YouTube started in 2005). For his 34th birthday he made an announcement he will put up 1 video daily on YouTube, money may or may not follow. 5 months of this commitment and Casey reached 1M subscribers. He has 10M subscribers on YouTube today, for reference it can be considered as the population of one entire country, imagine he has a nation of his own and he is the ruler! If Casey grappled with these circumstances at the age of 16, can make it happen, on the contrary, we are so privileged, or at least have the three basic necessities why can’t we!
If not me then who, if not then when?!
Arbaz Hassan Ambar
Well written👍
Arbaz Hassan Ambar
Well written 👍